ENRON:What really happened?

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Accounting
Enron was born on July 1985, when Houston Natural Gas merged with InterNorth natural gas Company based on Omaha, Neb, and Kenneth Lay who became Enron's CEO in February 1986. In 1989, Enron began trading natural gas commodities. The company eventually became the largest merchant in North America. Enron had 21 thousand employees, operated a 25 thousand-mile gas pipeline system. It was listed as the seventh-largest company in the U.S, with a revenue of nearly 101 billion of dollars. Its …

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…happen and if they would've been extremely strict, they might still be one of Americas top companies and produces billons of dollars. All in all it is clear that the Enron scandal has changed the business world, as we know it. It taught us that even the biggest could come tumbling down at a fast rate. We know how politics, business, and greed all go hand in hand unfortunately and how corrupt corporate America is.