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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Education
EFFECTS OF POVERTY IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS Ultimately, the free education offered to students in America should be equal to all children. Now that most states have overcome the mentality of "the wealth of the school district is based on the wealth of the community" by managing funds on the state level, per student funding is more equal throughout those states. Since passing federal integration laws in the late 1960s, teachers of middle and upper class …

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…reading levels. Lack of reading skills affects ability to learn. In most cases, there is a lack of printed material in the homes as well. These kids may have very poor facilities at home, leaking roofs, no beds, sharing a toothbrush between family members, or limited lighting, just to mention a few possibilities. Once teachers start to realize some of these differences in children from poverty, a healthy, more stimulating, learning environment can be established.