ECO/360 Supply and Demand Simulation

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Pages: 5
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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Economics
The purpose of this paper is to summarize the supply and demand simulation in Resource for ECO/360, answer the instructor's questions regarding the simulation, and provide a summary of the results of the simulation. After reading this paper, the audience should understand how the simulation helps the user to better comprehend how the market is affected by supply and demand. Content Summary The purpose of the simulation is to familiarize the user with the demand …

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…Phoenix Custom Edition e-text]. The McGraw-Hill Companies. Retrieved May 8, 2006, from University of Phoenix, Resource, ECO/360-Economics for Business I Web site: secure/resource/resource.asp Wonderful job of detailing the affects of supply and demand on the rental industry at Atlantis. You covered all the pertinent points in a concise yet detailed manner. The key points you learned and how they affect your workplace were well thought out and appropriately stated.