ECO/360 Fiscal Policy Simulation

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Pages: 3
(approximately 235 words/page)

Essay Database > Social Sciences > Economics
"Even in free market economies, governments have an important role to play in keeping the economy on the growth path, and dealing with inflation and recession." The fiscal policy simulation was offered to provide the students with an environment in which to make fiscal policy decisions and study the outcomes. The purpose of this paper is to explain the effects of changes in fiscal policy, identify four key points presented in the simulation, apply the …

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…Web site: vendors/tata/UBAMsims/economics1/ economics1_fiscal_policy_alternatives_simulation.html Another great job of detailing the simulation. You covered all the pertinent points in a concise yet detailed manner and laid it out in an easy to read manner. The key points you learned and how they affect your workplace were well thought out and appropriately stated. Your paper was very well organized and efficient. Great work!