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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Earth Day Earth Day is April 22. Earth Day is most often observed by the media, hundreds of local groups and noted on calendars on April 22. Many people also observe Earth Week and Earth Month. Since most events and festivals need to take place on a weekend, Earth Day is observed on the weekends before and after April 22. Others also observe it on March 21, the Vernal Equinox or on World Environment Day, June 6. Remember, that really, …

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…as part of theannual events list) are available by request. "If the environment is a fad, then it's going to be our last fad . . .We are building a movement, a movement with a broad base, a movement which transcends political boundaries. It is a movement that values people more than technology, people more than political boundaries, people more than profit." April 22, 1970, Denis Hayes, organizer of the first Earth Day and Chair of Earth Day Northwest.