E.M.Forsters views on the social standards

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In the early 20th century, authors used a form of social critique in their work. Some of them expressed their thoughts in expository essays and novels. E.M.Forster opened his views to others in the expository essay "notes: On the English Character: and the novel " Room with a View". Both of his works expand on his thoughts about the social classes in England. E.M.Forster had a very iteresting point of view of …

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…lower class. every time there was a vote to change this system, but the higher class always overuled the lowere class until the revolution. <Tab/>As we can see, E.M.Forster does have his owm personal ideas about the world's social structure. He has these ideas in novels and expository essays. Most of what Forster wrote is true in many areas. And they are also found in many historical examples.