E.B. White's "Once More to the Lake" .

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In E.B. White's essay, "Once More to the Lake," the narrator is reminded of his own childhood vacations to the lakeside camp with his family during a return trip with his son. Revisiting the lake and watching his son perform the same activities he once did leads to a series of memories he holds with his father. One day while fishing on the lake, White was watching his son toy with a fly that …

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…his eyes wandering with excitement about the world surrounding him while taking a walk next to the lake around which my family and I used to play at. White never have had the chance to thank his father for all his memories he holds, fortunately I do. The memories I possess from my family vacations will forever be cherished. They make me look forward to the new memories I will embrace with my own family.