Dying and Surviving in Virginia

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Essay Database > History
Dying and Surviving in Virginia The English settlement in the land named "Virginia" did not begin in Jamestown but in the failed colonies of Roanoke in the late 1500s. After abandoning the settlement in Roanoke, the English settlers settled in Jamestown in 1607 where lives in the early years were notably unsuccessful. In 1584, the English settlers landed on the Newfoundland called Roanoke which was originally inhabited by the Carolina Algonquian Indians. During their several attempts to …

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…come to a conclusion that life in early Virginia was notably unsuccessful. People were dying of unknown diseases and a lot were suffering from some uncured sicknesses. Lives were badly organized because the population grew too rapidly and people could not handle it. Not only were people dying from diseases caused by unhygienic conditions, they also died of hunger and famine. Also, what kept Virginian from progressing was their constant interruption of the native Indians.