Duty Or Murder Excellent Short Story

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
"Target Acquired command, moving into position" I whispered into the radio as I settled into a more comfortable position. My mission is simple yet tedious, I am in this shit hole of a country for one reason, to locate and eliminate General Chion, the command and chief of one of North Vietnams most deadly platoons. I settle my Remington 700 LTR (Light Tactical Rifle) into a more comfortable position and once again begin my wait. My …

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…is an order". I pressed my cheek against the stock of my rifle and estimate the range. I am cold for some reason. I am cold in 100 degree weather. For the first time in my career my hands shake as I thumb the safety into the fire position. I feel a chill go down my spine as I caress the trigger now locked onto my target... The End Note From Teacher: Watch for technical errors