Dulce et Decorum est - a beautiful poem . truly a piece of art .........

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"Dulce et Decorum Est" Above all I am not concerned with poetry. My subject is war, and the pity of war, The poetry is in the pity."-Wilfred Owen... "Bent double, like old beggars under sacks." Is the melancholy air in which the famous poem- "Dulce et Decorum Est", begins. The content of this poem is based upon war and tragedy. Wilfred Owen tries to show the harsh reality of war, to people who were …

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…the war, one cannot help but wonder if he would have written any poetry at all, if he had not enlisted and gone to fight in the war. His friend and fellow poet Siegfried Sassoon said this about Owen: "His poems can speak for him, backed by the authority of his experience as an infantry soldier, and sustained by nobility and originality of style. All that was strongest in Wilfred Owen survives in his poems".