Due to racism in 1930's Chicago, Bigger Thomas was influenced to commit an action unlike his normal judgement would allow.

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The Environmental Shaping of a Common Black Man There was a line that separated the city of Chicago in the 1930's. It was not shown on any map, nor was it named on any street sign. Yet it was known by all; you stayed on your side of the line. No one actively enforced this "law" but everyone obeyed. The Black Belt, an area of poverty and grief-stricken African Americans, was isolated in a corner, …

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…s final night as a truly free man. Throughout his life, Bigger has had a disadvantage from those around him. He was a black man in a white world. Everywhere he looked, his hatred for things different than him grew. Bigger was not able to control these feelings, and in turn, his animosity towards others drove him to do things he would not normally do. Bigger's actions were a result of his environment, not himself.