Dubya Bush - Man of the Year, Whether the World Likes it or Not.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
<Tab/>President George W. Bush goes by many monikers, including George W. Bush, Dubya, "That Idiot in the White House", and others too profane to use in a high school essay. Whatever you perceive Mr. Bush to be, he is doubtlessly the most important person of the year. His brilliantly conducted campaign and his attempts to redefine the Republican Party show that he and his associates are one the most powerful …

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…people or doom them to years of financial slumps. His foreign policy has made the world a more aggressive place, where First World nations and desperate to stop WMD from spreading, and third-world countries are hell-bent on saving their skins, possibly from First-World militaries and intelligence agencies. Mr. Bush has made world opinion of the US much more negative than it was before, yet the long-term effects of his policies may engender a different opinion.