Drugs in the work place

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Drug Addiction in the School and Work Place How has work efficiency changed as a result of drug addiction in the sch a couool and work place? In the 1960 and 1970's, men and women worked long hours to support their family. For many, these strenuous hours were hard to handle without taking drugs. The use of "uppers" and "downers" was then considered a way to tolerate those long work hours. To this date, the concern …

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…problem in the United States ever since they have been manufactured. To gain a prescription for several of them is quite simple. A physician prescribes various "uppers" and "downers" to people who are under stress. This makes it easily accessible to those who work long hours. The addiction to these drugs have increased to keep up with the raised prices of entities, the social standards of having automobiles, and the cost during ones leisure time.