Drugs in sports.

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports
Performance-Enhancing Supplements No one likes a "cheater." There is no reason that a person should be allowed to take any kind of supplement that increases his or her ability to perform well. It's extremely unfair to the athletes who exercise and train to stay competitive. It is also unfair to the users of the supplements. They are enhancing their abilities but at what cost? Sometimes an athlete may not even know the consequences they must …

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showed last 75 words of 2004 total
…really worth a life to enhance your ability to lose weight, get stronger, or be more energetic? Although certain supplements provide good short-term effects, they usually aren't worth taking in the long run. People using enhancers could get very sick, damage their body permanently or even get themselves killed. Supplements need to strictly regulated by the FDA. All possibly harmful supplements should be banned from public use. This would keep everyone safe and everything fair.