Drugs in Australia; which way is best?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Australia, like most Western countries, has a major problem with drugs and drug use. There are many ways to tackle this problem, the main ones including Harm Minimisation, which is trying to reduce the risks involved with taking drugs, Decriminalisation, which is taking the legal association with drugs, and Zero Tolerance, which is legally punishing ALL drug offenders. Although there are many ways in which the drug issue can be handled, these three are the …

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…There are no drugs in the centre, and the staff make sure that the people have no need of drugs before they leave. This program, currently being applied in Sweden, could work in Australian. Australia currently utilizes a Harm Minimisation policy, but I believe that if we were to adopt the Swedish method of selective Zero Tolerance, as well as the Hassela Program, drug use in Australia could be greatly lessened in the long run.