Drugs In Sports

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports
Why Do Sport Persons Take Drugs? There are many reasons why sports persons take drugs. At the elite level there is little difference between 1st and 5th spot. These elite athletes continually train and stick to their diet but yet so know improvement. They are at there optimal level there is no room for improvement. Banned drugs such as Anabolic steroids will increase there optimal level which may be the advantage the they need to …

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…track cyclist Neil Campbell has also been kicked off his team. Only two drug cheats were caught at the Atlanta Games, when Australian sprinter Dean Capobianco tested positive to the steroid stanozolol. Five athletes were caught for doping at Barcelona in 1992. World Anti-Doping Agency secretary general Harri Syvasalmi said Sydney should not be regarded as the most drug-tainted Games. "It's that this time we know the real reason why some athletes aren't competing", he said.