Drugs Deteriorates Civilized Society

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Civilized society is, currently, defending against the invasion of various diminishing forces. One of these forces, possibly the strongest, is the use of illegal drugs. My strongest 'pet peeve', a personal vexation that I consistently complain about, is the use of drugs, which society, agonizingly, attempts to destroy. There are countless illegal narcotics in the world that can only have a huge, destructive, impact on a civilized society. Theoretically, a civilized society is defined as …

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…forces will consistently prevent civilized society to achieve its true theoretical definition and will not let it become completely humane. Works Cited: Drugs: What you should know, "Teens Health Answers and Advice", Internet, June: 2002: http://kidshealth.org/teen/drug_alcohol/drugs/know_about_drugs.html. Bibliography: Drugs and Youth, "Stop Drugs", Internet, Feb: 2003: http://www.stopdrugs.org/drugsandyouth.html. Effects of Drugs, "TeenOutReach", Internet, Nov: 1999: http://www.teenoutreach.com/Online_Help/health/drugs/effects.htm.