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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
Drugs Most of the drugs that people abuse have their effect on the limbic system of the brain. The limbic system is located deep within the brain near the top of the brain stem. The limbic system produces the feelings of pleasure, pain, anger, and fear which characterize our emotions. All drugs of addiction work on our emotions. If a certain drug makes us feel very good, we tend to want to take that drug …

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…also be very frightening. Psychological dependence is low, and physical dependence does not develop. The greatest danger from LSD is that faulty perceptions of reality can result in injury or death. However, if a person is prone to the mental illness of schizophrenia, LSD can trigger that mental illness, which will remain with them for life. Another danger is that illegal LSD often contains impurities, such as strychnine, which can cause paralysis and brain damage.