Drug Testing vs. Employee Assi

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Introduction: Drug Testing vs. Employee Assistance Programs In our last meeting we were asked to offer proposals on how we can cut costs. In looking into this I found some interesting research on eliminating drug testing in favor of Employee Assistance Programs. By eliminating our drug-testing program, we will do away with $1,000,000 in the cost of testing and also lost employee productivity in the time it takes to administer the test. (ACLU 5) Also, in this …

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…In conclusion Employee Assistance Programs are definitely worth the hassle. There is overwhelming evidence supporting the need for these programs in every company. We must strive to help our employees help themselves as much as possible. Happy employees' and a cohesive work group are the most important quality's a business could possibly have. If you don't think it is working then fix it. Cutting back on an EAP is the key to your businesses' end.