Drug Prohibithion

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Essay Database > Literature > English
In the early seventeenth Century, the members of a small Christian cult known as the Puritans left Europe for a new life in North America. Though the name of their sect would eventually become synonymous with fanatical religious asceticism, it is noteworthy that in addition to the food, tools, weapons and clothing they would need to meet the challenge of the New World, the Puritans brought with them forty-two tons of beer and ten thousand …

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…that he addressed was specifically concerned with the racist component of crack cocaine laws, Arnold Trebach (noted drug researcher and President of the Drug Policy Foundation) encouraged the members to expand their scope and consider the fact that "the drug laws, root and branch, are fundamentally irrational." As a result, he said, "you simply cannot make this system work. It is irrational, and ultimately we're going to have to change it in very fundamental ways."47