Drug Abuse

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Drug Abuse Drug abuse affects all of us in our daily lives. It ruins families and destroys relationships. Teens especially are prone to drug abuse due to immense peer pressure, everyday stress, and depression. Marijuana use is on the rise everywhere, and with marijuana comes the harder drugs, making drug abuse an important and critical issue in the world today. There are many issues on different drugs but one sticks in our mind, marijuana. The …

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…as the marijuana smoker desires a better high. An addiction to something is more or less an abuse of something, people must learn to think of the consequences of their actions before they decide to take on a substance. This is our best bet on safeguarding our youth from these drugs. Drugs do not solve problems, they create them. As long as drugs are out there no one will go untouched from these silent killers.