Drinking and Driving - A Persuasive View.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Drinking and Driving Coming home late one night from a friend's house, I was driving behind a car which was traveling at a fairly slow rate of speed. As I followed, I began to notice the car start to weave in and out of the lane. Within moments, the car slid a little bit too far off of the road and when the driver tried to get back on the road, they overcompensated the turn …

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…life forever. Also you could wreck and kill yourself or innocent bystanders. Making it home drunk one night isn't worth the consequences of ruining your life. Finally underage drinking and driving must continue to be on the decrease as our youth is the future of our nation. When it comes to alcohol content, a drink is a drink is a drink, and they are all the same to a breathalyzer. So THINK BEFORE YOU DRINK!