Drinking Age.

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Essay Database > Law & Government
The United States has the highest drinking age in the world it's 21. Three countries have set their minimum age at 20, one set it at 19, and the rest are 18 or younger. I think that the drinking age should be lowered to about 18 or 19. Currently, we prohibit 20-year-olds from drinking champagne at their own weddings! Some teens say that it is easier for them to get drugs than it is to obtain alcohol. The determination of legality …

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…from alcohol can help pay for the policy and law changes. A sin tax is tax generated on an item deemed "sinful" such as tobacco. Lowering of drinking age will allow states exercise their rights as states, and allows those above 18 years of age to have all of the privileges and responsibilities that comes with gaining and adult status. http://rainforth4congress.org/ http://www2.potsdam.edu http://www.freeforessays.com/ http://www.term-papers.us