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Pages: 2
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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
Recently, I was a part of a discussion with some of my friends and one of them brought out the drinking age question. But what is a drinking age? Is this the age when a person is allowed to drink legally? What age is that? It is really hard to define certain age as a drinking age. There should not be such an age when people should drink because liquor reflects very bad on person's
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or her own drinking age - whenever the person feels ready to make his own decisions. I do not think there should be drinking age at all and in my opinion it will reduce the interest the society has towards alcohol. Although I am over 21 and I do not drink alcohol at all, I do not think that drinking should be prohibited for people underage. So, what should be the drinking age people can say?
or her own drinking age - whenever the person feels ready to make his own decisions. I do not think there should be drinking age at all and in my opinion it will reduce the interest the society has towards alcohol. Although I am over 21 and I do not drink alcohol at all, I do not think that drinking should be prohibited for people underage. So, what should be the drinking age people can say?