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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Someone once said, “Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country” (Nin, The Diaries of Anais). Dreams are the result of subconscious thoughts and desires. The other theory to dreams are random noises in the neurons of the brain without special meaning. Dreams are the mental activity that takes place during sleep. “Usually …

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…Paranormal dreams A. Poorly received B. Cannot deal with chaos XI. Remembering dreams A. People don’t care about dreams B. Dream recall 1. Thinking over dreams 2. Writing them down C. Feeling paralyzed 1. Brain cells were stimulated XII. Shared dreaming A. Reported frequently B. Most common in 1. Married couples 2. Siblings living at home 3. Very close friends living together XIII. Methods to analyze dreams A. New methods B. Most dreams include 1. People 2. Animals 3. Physical objects 4. Mental objects