Draft dodgers during the Vietnam War.

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Essay Database > History > World History
The Vietnam War was a major conflict in the cold war. Vietnam was divided into two. The north was communist controlled. The government in the south, although ran by a dictatorship than a democracy, was supported by the United States. In 1960, the United States started the war against the north Vietnam. Men as young as eighteen were being drafted for mandatory military service for the Naval and the army. In 1965, the United States increased the …

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…Vietnamese. No one expected the Vietnam war to play out as it did. With thousands of young men fighting to the death overseas, another group of American sons fled their homeland and journeyed north to Canada. As the battle raged on and the anti-war movement divided the United States, draft dodgers and deserters struggled to forge new lives for themselves. Seeking sanctuary and the opportunity to make a difference, they changed their adopted country unquestionably.