Dr. Strangelove

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
Dr. Strangelove, Or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb opens with a slow tracking shot of a B-52 nuclear bomber refueling over an ocean. This process, by which another plane tethers itself to the top of the bomber, is very sexual in nature, showing two planes in mid air seemingly involved in sexual foreplay. Immediately following is a shot of the phallic-like nose of the refueling plane. This theme of sexuality …

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…Doomsday machine is detonated and the world is destroyed. We see horrific images of a series of nuclear explosions, which I have learned, were from unclassified footage of the Trinity test of 1945 and the Bikini Island tests. The world seems to be annihilated in endless "orgasms" of death and destruction creating nuclear fallout the world over. I suppose Ripper, had he still been alive, Dr. Strangelove, and Buck Turgidson, have all "gotten their rocks off."