Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr Martin Luther King was born in 1929 and was killed in 1968. He was an American clergyman and civil-rights leader. He graduated from Morehouse College in 1948. The then went on to the university of Boston to get his Ph.D in 1955. He led the black boycott of segregated city bus lines and in 1956 gained a major victory and prestige as a civil-rights leader when Montgomery buses began to operate on a desegregated …

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…than their skin color. Few Americans can measure that distance as accurately as Lewis, who is one of the defining figures of the modern civil rights movement and also spoke at the 1963 March on Washington. And yet, for all the "sense of hope and optimism" that he encounters today in his extensive travels as a member of Congress, Lewis said that as a nation, "we have not yet arrived at the beloved community" King envisioned.