Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Dr. Henry Jekyll is a physician in London. He is very well respected and is currently experimenting the dual nature of man kind. Edward Hyde is a manifestation of Dr. Jekyll's personality. He is accused of committing evil acts throughout the novel. The first scene consists of Mr. Richard Enfield's and Mr. Utterson walking along a street in London. Mr. Enfield has a recollection of a previous incident in which he witnessed an extremely unpleasant …

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…a potion. This potion transformed him anytime he wanted. He was transformed into Mr. Hyde. I believe evil is just a small portion of men, that is why Mr. Hyde had a dwarfish appearence. The main point being, was that the potion took over his life, and Dr. Jekyll finally realizes he is unable to transform back into his goodness. He attemts to commit suicide, as this is his only way of destroying Mr. Hyde.