Dr. Faustus

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Faustus's Mortal Flaw The play Doctor Faustus, by Christopher Marlowe, is a story that shows the many human flaws inside people, and how they affect not only life but also the afterlife. Choices are a huge part of the path of life and the direction we take. The consequences of or bad choices can lead to punishments unthinkable to most. This is the case in the character of Doctor Faustus. Dr. Faustus's main character flaw …

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…would be half as noticeable without the tragic occurrences of the family and those surrounding them. Just as with comedy, the tragic moments would not seem as tragic without the comic outbursts of the characters and their repeated failing actions. Chekhov intended The Cherry Orchard to be a comedy or farce; almost all of the producers that chose to interpret The Cherry Orchard did so as a tragedy. Clearly it is neither. It incorporates both.