Dr. An Wang

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Dr. An Wang immigrated to the U.S. from his hometown of Shanghai in 1945, and three years later earned a Ph.D. in applied physics from Harvard University. In 1951 he founded Wang Laboratories, Inc., which under his technological and managerial guidance soon became one of the most recognized and successful corporations of the dawn of the Information Age. The LOCI (Logarithmic Calculating Instrument), the first electronic scientific calculator introduced by Wang Laboratories in 1964 had to …

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…year it was at the peak of its success. Soon the company began to decline, and at least part of it can be related to the Wang's retirement in 1982, and later with his death in 1990 from a relentless battle against cancer. Doctor Wang was also a philanthropist, he believed in sharing his success with social and educational organizations. His contribution to the development of the computer technology and improvement of society will always be remembered.