Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. Support Nonviolence!. I agree that violence is not useful. There are many domestic and school violence going on.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. describes why violence is not a way to settle a problem. King argues that you are only humiliating or physically win the opponent if you use violence but not winning their understanding. I agree that violence is not useful no matter what the situation is. Our hope, our future are depend on our next generations, which are our children, kids, and teenagers. If they experience a lot of violence now, …

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…Nonviolence is a powerful and just weapon." Violence should never be use to settle things. If people really have a problem with their opponent, they should discuss the problem instead of battle or use violence. This way both would understand what the problem is. Violence should be stop. Adults should try their best to keep children out of violence. Children are our future, if violence has stop, everyone will have a wonderful and peaceful life.