"Down These Mean Streets" By: Piri Thomas

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Down These Mean Streets "Down These Mean Streets", an autobiography by Piri Thomas, is about his life as a boy getting to manhood on the mean streets of the Spanish Harlem. While growing up in Harlem, Piri had an attitude adapted to him from the barrios. The attitude he adopted which was both hot-tempered and violent got him into this whole life of troubles. Whenever Piri had a problem, he would resort it with anger …

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…of mistakes and almost paid the price with his life. Piri started to bring his rep up in the carcel (prison), and then he found out that it wasn't worth it. Trina his "Marine Tiger" had made him go through hell and back because she didn't keep her promise and ended up getting married. He lost his dreams, the respect of his family, and six years of his life because he couldn't control his anger.