Dow Chemicals: Describe the decision making styles of the CEO.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Mr. William Stavropoulos is the President and CEO of Dow Chemical Corporation. Dow is the fifth largest chemical company in the world, with annual sales of more than $20 billion. You may or may not recognize the name Dow but you are certain to recognize some its well-known products such as Saran Wrap, Ziplock plastic bags, Spray 'n Wash Stain Stick and Glass Plus Multi-surface Cleaner. Mr. Stavropoulos started his career with Dow in 1967 when he …

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…ey interacted with their customers, they turned toward more research development but most importantly changes had taken place internally. From the highest level of management down to the lowest-level employee the corporate structure of Dow had been changed. Each division of the corporation understood their part in the success of Dow Chemical. Due to the successful decision making of Mr. Stavropoulos, President and CEO of Dow, it was now time for the company to grow.