Dorothy Day's "The Long Loneliness" - and her issues with soup kitchens and simple christian life.

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Mark Massa has described Dorothy Day's spiritual path as marked by the "downward path". Massa's meaning of the "downward path" is actually referring to what the downward path leads to. Massa's "downward path" leads to salvation. According to the Christian Science meaning of salvation, salvation: is the realization of the supremacy of infinite Mind over all bringing with it the destruction of the illusion of sin, sickness, and death. With this in mind, it becomes …

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…and make them realize that the world doesn't have to revolve around them. The title to the autobiography, The Long Loneliness, tells you something about Dorothy Day. It tells you that her life was never fulfilled. It was never over. There was something always out there that she could do to make her feel better about herself. There was something always missing that needed to be filled and that was her desire to help others.