Don't Cry, It's Only Thunder - Ethics and Musical Compositions.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
Don't Cry, It's only Thunder <Tab/>Music can affect the outcome of a movie greatly. Musical compositions and sounds give film the extra push needed in making the audience react. In Don't Cry, It's only Thunder, music helps set the mood of the movie, plus it helps in helping the audience interpret the different ethical topics seen in the movie. <Tab/>The first way that music provides …

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…the nuns and the children. He was willing to risk his career and life for those strangers. Was it really for those strangers though? Not at first, I think. At first, it was because he knew it was the right thing to do. It was after doing the right thing that the nuns and children started to grow on Anderson. He wanted to act like a tough guy and ended up being a real softy.