Domestic vs. Import
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Pages: 4
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Pages: 4
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Essay Database > Literature > English
The domestic/import debate has been plaguing the car scene for years. Car enthusiasts around the world are in constant arguments about which category has the best or fastest cars.In general, import cars rule the scene in the matter of speed. They offer more of a variety when it comes to choosing the vehicle. Domestics have less of a variety. Ford is the dominant domestic, while Honda, Acura, Nissan, and Mitsubishi are among the
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imports, customers realized that imports required just as much care as domestic. Both imports and domestics still have their loyal fans. There will always be Ford fans and their will always be the import fans. So which one is better? Who knows. Once again, the consumer decides what he wants. As of right now, imports dominate the market, and the after market. It all depends on the wants and needs of the future vehicle owner.
imports, customers realized that imports required just as much care as domestic. Both imports and domestics still have their loyal fans. There will always be Ford fans and their will always be the import fans. So which one is better? Who knows. Once again, the consumer decides what he wants. As of right now, imports dominate the market, and the after market. It all depends on the wants and needs of the future vehicle owner.