Domestic Violence Treatment in the Criminal Justice System.

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Pages: 10
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Introduction. The criminal justice system can be the first place that a domestic violence offender can receive the help that they need to overcome their abusive behaviors. Many offenders find themselves in the criminal justice system because they cannot control their anger or because of underlying emotional issues due to themselves being victims of abuse as children or young adults. The criminal justice system should have a vested interest in the treatment of these violent …

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… Family Violence Prevention Fund(2005). "Educating Judges, Saving Lives". Enhancing Justice Programs. Website accessed on 2-22-05 at Illinois Department of Public Health(2005). "Facts about Domestic Violence". Women's Health. Website accessed on 2-22-05 at KeepMedia(2004). "Nolo: What is Domestic Violence?". Website accessed on 2-24-05 at