Domestic Violence

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Pages: 9
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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Domestic Violence Domestic violence is a problem that affects everyone including the victim, family members, community, and society. There are several different types of domestic violence. They are: 1.<Tab/>Physical violence - which is the most basic form of domestic violence leading to extensive injury, unsuccessful pregnancies and even murder, if the violence is allowed to escalate. Physical violence includes slapping, hitting, choking, burning, pulling of the hair, preventing the victim …

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…itself, is sufficient for probable cause. Prosecutors must inform victims of felony violence of any plea bargain the prosecutor intends to offer the defendant. Under Federal law, people who do not speak English have a constitutional right to interpretation sufficient to provide them equal access to and services from all public services. Public services such as police, district attorneys, and probation departments must provide the interpreters. (14th Amendment- Right to Equal Protection of the Laws).