Domestic Service

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Pages: 7
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Essay Database > Literature > English
The various ways in which domestic service, home care and nursing are structured and performed are well accounted in Global Exchange by Grace Chang and Diverted Mothering by Sau-Ling C. Wong. These two articles give indeapth analysis of how migrant and immigrant workers are treated by not only their employers but in certain instances by their own government. I will try to give you an analysis of the two articles and sight examples from the …

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…we all have in this world a little differently, I know it made me think about the people that clean the offices and the maids people have and how they may be treated. After reading these articles it can be seen what kind of plight the people in these stories go through for the betterment of their children and their families, and also what kind of hardship they put themselves through to achive their goals.