Does Charles Dickens write from a Realist or a Romantic perspective in his novel "Hard Times?"

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Hard times Essay The Novel Hard Times by Charles Dickens was, by far, the most enjoyable piece of historical reading that I have done in high school. There were so many themes and ironies under the words that you had to search for, making it an incredibly enjoyable read. Although it may seem impossible, this novel is both romantic and realist. First of all, the novel is automatically romantic, because it is a novel, which …

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…ornament; or, in the day of your triumph, when romance is utterly driven out of their souls, and they and a bare existence stand face to face, reality will take a wolfish turn and make an end of you" (152) Good up against evil, Utilitarianism against Truth; it's an age-old battle fought on the battlefields of our society thought which Truth will prevail as long as men like Dickens are there to show us the way.