Doctor Assisted Suicide
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Words: 1471
Pages: 5
(approximately 235 words/page)
Pages: 5
(approximately 235 words/page)
Essay Database > Science & Technology
Throughout recent years, debate in the U.S. about doctor-assisted suicide has gradually increased. The question of whether or not a physician should be able to assist in the planned death of a fatally sick person has been argued by many different sides. Assisted suicide advocates, such as Right to Die organizations, argue that human beings that are terminally ill should have the right to end their suffering and die with dignity. Opponents of the
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and wrong, then they should not participate in it. Assisted-suicide is a choice, and fatally ill citizens of this country should have the right to choose whether they die and end their suffering or live out their life until the final day. Oregon's policy is efficient and helpful to the supporters of assisted-suicide, and has nothing to do with the opponents of it. Oregon's policy is still in use today and has satisfied its citizens.
and wrong, then they should not participate in it. Assisted-suicide is a choice, and fatally ill citizens of this country should have the right to choose whether they die and end their suffering or live out their life until the final day. Oregon's policy is efficient and helpful to the supporters of assisted-suicide, and has nothing to do with the opponents of it. Oregon's policy is still in use today and has satisfied its citizens.