"Do not go Gentle" by Dylan Thomas

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Review: Do not go gentle into that good night <Tab/>The poem, Do not go gentle into that good night by Dylan Thomas is, in my opinion, an excellent poem. While having the ordinary structure of a villanelle, this poem is in many ways a unique poem. It uses the qualities of deliberate repetition, intense language, active anger and hostility, and contrasting elements such as night and day and darkness and …

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…my opinion, an excellent poem. What I like about the poem in particular is how the rhyming words fit in perfectly to the context of the poem, and are not there just for rhyming purposes. While retaining the ordinary structure of a villanelle, this poem is in many ways unique, effectively utilizing the qualities of deliberate repetition, intense language, active anger and hostility, and contrasting elements such as night and day and darkness and light.