Do Gays Have the Right to Marry

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Do Gays Have the Right to Marry? Do gays have the right to marry? This topic was under legal scrutiny during the last congressional election. The Citizens of Hawaii voted against a proposal that would make marriages among gays legal. In fact, in recent years, gays and lesbians have had more attention focused on them. Slowly our nation has grown to accept them into our society. However, is there a line between what is sociably …

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…compassion. They may prove to be even better parents to children than some heterosexuals. To conclude, gays should be allowed to marry for several reasons. For many convincing and compelling reasons such as freedom, preventing the spread of the deadly virus HIV, and the right to expression. Homosexuals should be treated equally in the matter of marriage. After all, I know how I would feel if it was my right to marry up for debate.