"Do Ends Justify the Means?" Discusses what Presidents of the past have done and how they may compare to President Bush.

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Essay Database > Law & Government
Do Ends Justify the Means? "The ends justify the means" to me means that one should use any means necessary to accomplish what one wants. In certain times of our history this could have been the basis for survival. In today's society a person should be careful of what they say or do. Leaders statements can be held to a high standard of truthfulness. A leader should not stretch, twist, or distort facts and get …

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…greatly affect many people in many ways. Because of the governments corrupt history, leaders are put under the microscope. To misuse their political power is illegal. It is my opinion that many leaders have hidden agendas and use their power to accomplish something good for the world and at the same time do something great for themselves. History has shown that leaders who have attempted to do this and got caught had their careers ruined.