Divorce Has Two Major Effects on Children; Depression and Behavior Problems.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Divorce Has Two Major Effects on Children; Depression and Behavior Problems. Divorce in today's society is very common. Divorce also has terrible and lasting effects on children. In today's society, marriages are less likely to last as they did 20 years ago. There are over 1 million children that suffer each year because of the divorce of their parents (Fagan). Currently there are 8 million children that live with a divorced single parent (Fagan). "Moreover, half of all …

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…in general is a hard thing to go through for anyone at any age. Work Cited Fagan, F. P., and Robert Rector. "The Effects of Divorce on America". The Heritage Foundation. 2000.10 Mar. 2005 <http://www.nd.edu/~afreddos/papers/fagan- divorce.htm>. Linaman, Dr. Todd E. "The Effects of Divorce on Children and Families''. Healthy Family Living Marriage. 10 Mar. 2005. <http://www.flc.org/hfl/marriage/mar- flf03.htm>.