Division/Classification Essay: Three types of children

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Anyone who has spent time with or around children will notice that each one has a special personality all of their own. Children, like adults, have different traits that make up their personalities. Experts have researched this phenomenon in detail and classified children into different categories. The three categories that most experts agree with have been named "flexible," "fearful," and "feisty." Children generally may have similar interests, but the way they interact and deal with …

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…the personality groups, but they are categorized into the one they are most like. Whatever their temperament, children need to be treated according to their individual needs. When these needs are met appropriately the child will be happier, and those around the child will feel better also. Knowing the general personality types and how to react to them will help to make the caregiver's job much easier and aid in the relief of unnecessary stress.