Diversity of the american West. Immigration

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Essay Database > History
The American West is an extremely ethnically diverse region. Large populations of immigrants and natives to it have established an Anglo, western population that continues to feel confined culturally and, more importantly, racially. Racial diversity may exist in the West, but inclusion is not intrinsic of diversity. Anglo westerners have worked to forge an identity void of other races existing in the West for centuries. Exclusion of Indians, Mexicans, blacks, and Asians took place in …

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…20th century, Anglos had come as close as they could to eradicating other cultures from the West. Each non-Anglo race was legally discriminated against which prevented them from establishing themselves as westerners. But their growing populations in the 1940's and 50's and rights movements throughout the 1960's and 70's, ensured increasingly equal, racial representation in society. For this reason, Anglo westerners have not been able to create a western identity void of non-Anglo culture.