Diversity is about change

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Diversity is about change. Changes in population, changes in attitude, and changes in education. As this world continues to grow, meeting the challenges of diversity will also grow. Demographers across the world estimate that world population will increase to 10-11 billion by year 2050. United States makes up 4% of this total. The United States' population percentage of the world's total will grow because many people will immigrate to the U.S. As the immigration population of …

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…race, or who does not speak the same language. As populations and attitudes change, changes in education will be a must. I will encourage curriculums that emphasize the beauty of cultures. I will celebrate commonalties in different nationalities. I will encourage my students to be culturally diverse. They will be students who are culturally diverse decision-makers for an overpopulated world. Decision-makers with the right tools to address the critical issues that are laid before them.