Diversity in the Workplace

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Managing Diversity in the Workplace Diversity is dissimilarities, differences, among people due to age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic background, and capabilities. Workplace diversity is a multi-faceted concept that continues to evolve as more companies move toward global marketplaces. Most people hold the belief that every human being is of equal worth, entitled to the same privileges and opportunities, without regard to race, gender, disability or age. This important belief has led to …

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…feedback; use this information to determine how to align your interpersonal behavior with the desired business outcome. The American workforce is composed of myriad differences, and it is those very differences, which make for a diverse, interesting, productive workplace. A strong, fair-minded, comprehensive diversity program does not isolate those of different cultural, ageism, or gender backgrounds. Instead, it brings each worker into an understanding of his or her co-workers for their mutual benefits. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**